The world is changing, incessantly and irrevocably. We are tumbling over the brink of climate crisis, living through the sixth mass extinction, and only beginning to witness what this will mean for humans worldwide. Urgent action is needed now, and yet despite protocols and agreements, sufficient political and social change is still lacking.
This is the world we are living in today, and the world we are handing to future generations – the young people who make up the cast of Extinction. Inspired by writing by the climate scientists, writers, and activists of today - Greta Thunberg, Naomi Klein, David Wallace-Wells, Extinction Rebellion, and many others, this is a story of a world warmed beyond two degrees, a vision of what our future might hold.
Concept, Direction & Choreography: Rachel Birch-Lawson
Composer & Sound Designer: Nicola Chang
Co-Choreographer & Rehearsal Director: Khyle Eccles
Designer: Sophie Barlow